Sunday, November 11, 2007

I Corinthians 7 - Marriage

7:1-7 "Proper conduct in a matrimony"

7:1, 7:7. Is celibacy the way to go for everyone?

No it isn't certainly for everyone.
Having said so will contradict God's utterance in:
1. Gen 2:18 ("It is not good for the man to be alone")
2. Gen 1:28 (procreation)
3. Gen 17:7 (God's covenant blessings from generation to generation)

In 7:7, it's rather that (from the red book, page 215):
"... When God removes a person's need for marriage, He will endow such person with the gift of continence (
self-restraint in refraining from sexual intercourse). Paul received this gift from the Lord and thus he could rejoice in his condition. But he realizes full well that not every person receives this benefaction..."
"... Finally, we may not label Paul as an ascetic who belittles marriage and glories in his celibacy (the state of being unmarried). This is not the case, for he speaks eloquently about intimate matters of sexuality and marriage..."

7:2. "...But since there is so much immorality.."

this message is written specifically to congregation in Corinth, where there are "so much immorality", so this in no way may apply as a basis of marriage.

Throughout 7:1-7, Paul speaks *about* sexual matters, not about general (boring) marriage stuff.

7:1 ("touch", NIV translated that as "marry" instead, sugarcoat :))
7:2 ("have")
7:3 ("marital duty")
7:5 ("deprive")

Specific to 7:3-4, stated that marriage without sex is not only unnatural, but also forbidden.

Iben's "General Unified Theory"

Marriage between believers

Mixed marriage

Marriage between non-believers

7:8-11 "Faithfulness and Marriage"


- if a single person can't stand unmarried ("burning with passion"), he/she should marry

7:12-16 "Believer and Unbeliever"

7:2. "...has been sanctified.."

John Calvin: "... For the Godliness of the one does more to 'sanctify' the marriage than the ungodliness of the other to make it unclean..."

The red book, page 224:
"... In other words, God's purpose to save his people is much more inclusive than our limited understanding of the process of salvation.."
"... Paul is not saying that an unbelieving husband or wife has been made morally holy through his or her Christian spouse. No, man is unable to sanctify or to save a fellow human being. What the apostle means to say is that an unbelieving spouse who lives intimately with a Christian marriage partner experiences the influence of holiness..."

7:17-24 "Digression"

7:17. "...(Literally) As the Lord assigned to each, as God has called each, so let him walk..."

this verse have more to do with being content, be a good christian in any situation that we're in, than to retain your current status.

But what is exactly your calling? In what way God may let you know your calling so you can act accordingly?
We believe that as you're getting mature as a christian, as you're walking together with God, your calling will be revealed clearer and clearer. Just remember the parable of talents, don't act passively awaiting for some kind of supernatural call and stuff.

7:20. "... Slave..."
Why the heck Paul didn't condemn slavery as sinful but instead recommending the slaves to be content?

We do not know for sure what slavery like in Paul's time. Probably slavery itself was not as bad back then as we're thinking about the term slavery using our current standard.
Also, from the red book, page 232:
"... Paul is not interested in disturbing the existing structure of society. Christ's gospel will gradually pervade society as yeast permeates a batch of dough... The eventual change in society Paul leaves to the Lord."

7:25-40 "Virgins and Marriage"

"...26Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for you to remain as you are. 27Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife..."

Paul talks about Virgin. His opinion, judgment.

Paul's suggestion to remain as you are was due to a present "crisis". He'd like the corinthians to be free of concerns so that they may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the lord, given the situations.

Issues: What kind of crisis does Paul talk about?
- Impending persecution by Romans.
- Eschatology - Christ's return. Not likely, based on greek literal interpretation.
- Famine - Not likely (Ben), Could be (Arab).
- Pressure of living a christian life in an immoral/hostile environment. This is probably true, but it depends on the level of harshness of the said environ.
(Arab) I've found this unlikely, I could agree with "hostile environs justified Christians to delay marriage temporarily", but not with "immorality". Saying so will contradict 7:2.
(Aldo) depends on one's crisis. Based on personal judgment (due to natural disaster or losing somebody's special).

"...29What I mean, brothers, is that the time is short..."

Time is short. -- sense of urgency in serving. Paul suggests not to be bound by worldly concerns. This is true in a normal situation, still stays as true in crisis situation, thus the temporary measures that Paul talks about.

"...From now on those who have wives should live as if they had none..."

Don't take this literally of course, taken it literally will contradict all that has been said before. Rather, Paul is suggesting believers to have a broad outlook on life and focus on eternal essentials.

"32-35... free from concern... unmarried man is... a married man is... An unmarried woman or virgin is... a married woman is..."

Note that the intended audience is the unmarried folks, but at the same time the main points stand true also for all member of church.
The term 'concern' can be taken positively (the red book), or negatively (arab's bible commentary). nevertheless this point still stays true:

nowhere in this passage Paul says explicitly that one side is better than the other.
You think caring more for Godly things is better than caring for your spouse/children needs? Take a good look at 1 Tim 5:8!

"...39A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord..."

Vice versa for the guy. Need to upgrade Iben's "General Unified Theory" to a newer version :)

Phew.. finally concluded with this chapter ;D