Sunday, August 24, 2008

James 3: Taming the tongue, Two Kinds of Wisdom

1-12 - Taming the Tongue
- what considered curses are always changing, depending on the time and culture
- curse words with a bad intention is definitely forbidden
- when there's no bad intention, cursing is still bad because it might be a stumbling block for others and should be avoided.

- no clear definition on "gossip"
- for the most part, talking about other people is considered good or bad depending on the intention
- good intentions can also produce a bad effect, so we also have to be wise about it

13-18 - Two Kinds of Wisdom

Sunday, August 10, 2008

James 2: Favoritism Forbidden & Faith and Good Deeds

- Favoritism is forbidden. This should apply to all cases.
- The reason for this is that LOVE should be applicable for all, not only for certain groups of people


- good deeds are byproduct of faith (i.e. real Christian faith). It is impossible to have faith but not do good deeds

faith --> good deeds
no faith -- ???

v24 - in Greek, the word "justified" here means only to prove justification that has been received before (when accepting Christ) to fellow humans. But the good deeds itself is never required to receive salvation nor do they affect your salvation.

James 1: Trials and Temptation

Jemaat di sekitar sedang menghadapi daily difficults.
untuk encourage, and instruct.

1-18 Trials and Temptation

Believers will face temptations and trials.

How to reacts? consider them pure joys.
Why? trials testing of your faith and develops perseverance. so that you become mature & complete.

trials: external.
tempt: bukan Tuhan, dari kita sendiri.

When we are in trials we can ask God for wisdom

19-27 Listening and Doing

- Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry (v.19)
- Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (v.22)

"When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise" -- Proverbs 10:19