Sunday, March 11, 2007

Romans 3 -- God faithfulness

  • Is sin ok? No. And no excuse for the sin either. (context, see contradiction, why people may use argument of ch 2.1:God's kindness, patience, tolerance for sinner)
  • Jews entrusted by word of God so they have more responsibility.
  • (context vs Jews) Function of law (1) not to declare self-righteousness but to point out where we go wrong, conscience of sin.
  • Nobody has 100% compliant to the law, so no one is righteous.
  • Why do we need to be righteous? --> Not punished, Go to heaven (saved!).

There is righteousness (kebenaran). It's from God.
How? through (our) faith in JC.
  • All have sinned,
  • justified freely -- for free, declared not guilty,
  • through redemption -- consequence of sin is punishment. To bail out from punishment, there is a price to pay. JC (by sacrificing himself) paid that price for us. It 's done.
  • came by JC --By grace, it's available.
  • God shows justice -- sin to be punished, standard for salvation is to be righteous.
  • (25) How about people who lived before Christ?
(1) Kalo sin dibiarin- ga dihukum, -- ga adil.
(2) Kalo sin tapi di selamatin - ga artinya faith.
jawab: By faith to the coming of Christ, penebusan . Orang dulu ikut ditebus waktu JC mati.
how early? alfons: Eve.
Sampe 26.

-----31- Function of law (2) , stay tuned , chp 6-7.
ben thoughts:
- sin: offense to (God's) moral law. (m-w)
- sin is always punished.
- punishment for sin is death.
- nobody's sin free i.e nobody's righteous. Everybody is offender of moral law, charged guilty. Without other mechanics, everybody is punished.
- God says, JC is the subs the punishment for us. Justice is enforced.
- Faith to JC is the tix for justification.

no foundation to boast for observing the law