Sunday, January 20, 2008

I Corinthians 11: Propriety in Worship and The Lord's Supper

".....the subject of this section is propriety in public worship, not male - female relation in general. paul is concerned however with the proper relationship between husbands n wives be reflected in public worship. as in the previous section he desires as that all be done for the glory of God...."

"head" in greek can mean things related to 'source' concept, or the things related to 'authority' concept. as a whole this section seems to concern more with authority concept.
this is sensitive, not even biblical scholars have arrived at any conclusion on this matter.

we will postpone the discussion on male-female relationship for later when we arrive at that specific section in the bible.


19No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God's approval.

differences here relates to dissensions, herecies that existed somehow among the corinthian congregation.
"... Paul tells the readers that dissensions among them are necessity to bring out the best in true believers. God works out his own purposes to strengthen Christians in times of testing..."

Holy communion, what is our approach here?
1. firstly, you've gotta know the true meaning, take it seriously. you know the why (My body, new covenant in My blood, do this in remembrance of Me).
2. secondly, prepare yourself in observance of #1.

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