Saturday, February 23, 2008

1 Corinthians 14 : 1-40

1-25 Gifts
- Think about (spiritual) gifts in context of division among member of church.
- Comparison between prophecy vs speaking in tounge. (ayat 4). Prophecy, in term of edifying the church is much of better use because speaking in tounge is not understandable unless interpreted.(6-12).
- Worship with BOTH mind (understanding) and spirit.

26-40 Orderly Worship
- According da MAN himself, worship MUST be conducted orderly. (33)

Let's drop the bomb now, 34-35.
here's the summary of what came out of our discussion:
1. we accept the different roles between men and women, genesis 2 is full of discussions regarding this matter.
2. these 2 different roles have to be upheld both at home and at church.
3. specific to 34-35: the 'different roles' principle manifestation in *their* particular culture and time is for women to act like in 34-35. the manifestations undoubtly will be different in different time and culture.
4. we didn't accept these verses as a base to forbid women to talk etc, this will contradict what had been said by Paul himself earlier in 11:5 and 14:26.
5. there's also another opinion that these verses should be understood in light of 29-33, that is: if your husband is prophesying at the front, then as observed by the 'different roles' principle, don't undermine him by undercutting his words.. but rather bring that home to be discussed further.

39 "... be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues..." 40 "... but everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.."

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