Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Case for Christ - Part 1 : Examining the Record

Chapter 1
Can The Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted?

Good witness:
1. "eyewitness", should be there to see the events
2. Have no bias / ulterior motives
3. The witness her/his self is truthful and fair

Throughout "The Case for Christ - Part 1 : Examining the Record" We will see whether our gospels can be categorized as good witness documents.

4 gospels:
1. Mark
Written by Mark, Peter's interpreter, in 50AD
2. Matthew
Written by Matthew, one of the twelve, in 80AD
3. Luke
Written by Luke, Apostle Paul's travelling companion, in 80AD
4. John
Written by John, one of the twelve, in 90AD

Nearly every NT scholars accept that the claimed writers and time of writings are exactly as given above.
The above gospels are written documents, if we go even deeper in search of other supporting records, there's also early church creed as recorded in 1 Corinthians that put the core faith of Christianity in 35AD... merely 5 years after Jesus' death and resurrection.

Gospels are full of theological agenda!
True, so are nearly every non biblical historical records that are accepted as trustworthy.

Are the gospels well preserved, free from outside (pagan, legend)  influence?
The gospels were written merely 5 years after the events took place, outstanding from historical perspective. Compare that with Alexander the Great written history... that is accepted as being trustworthy... that is written nearly 500 years after his death.
When the gospels are written, there are many hostile eyewitnesses that could easily debunk the gospels... but that didn't happen.

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