Sunday, October 21, 2007

I Corinthians 4 - Apostle of Christ

- paul and apollos are just servants of god, entrusted with the secret things of god and to be stewards.
- as servants of christ, they (and we) should not judge (in the context being arrogant) each other (only christ has the right to judge). this is not against being critical / discernment in forming an opinion, but it is reverence to the misconcieved critism against paul.
- life as god's servants are hard, so don't be disrecpetcful

- father mentioned here doesn't refer to spiritual father, where each christian has one and expected to be one.

practical application:

should we criticize pastors, if yes, how, and how far can we go?
- it's okay, but do it in respectfully and mind your surrounding and with the right motivation

how to handle boring sermons:
- expect to get something when you come
- mind your surrounding (don't do anything disrespectful/distracting)
- get chewing gum (kata kucing)

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