Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Corinthians 6 - Lawsuits Among Believers & Sexual Immorality

- 'smaller' problems (as opposed to the ones in ch.5; such as property cases) within the congregation better be settled among themselves. This doesn't mean justice is ignored, but rather, the congregation should be able to seek justice by themselves first before including the 3rd party.
- in some situation, it's better to be wronged/cheated than to bring conflict.
- the fact that there are lawsuits within the congregation shows that there's a lack of love within the congregation it.

- The slogan of "Everything is permissible for me" was famous among the society. The origin of the slogan is not important since it might come from the Greek's philosophers. The big deal is Corinthians used this slogan as an excuse to do whatever they want. Therefore, Paul adds his response "but not everything is beneficial".

- Corinthians seperates their spiritual and physical existence. Paul advices that both is connected. Moreover, Paul mentions that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. It is where the holy spirit resides. By damaging your physical existence, we hinder our spiritual growth.

- Paul also mentions the price that Jesus paid is expensive. Therefore, we require to honor His sacrifice on the cross. It is not something that we can treat lightly.

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