Sunday, October 21, 2007

I Corinthians 5 - Expel the Immoral Brother!

- FLAGRANTLY immoral, greedy, adulators, drunkards, swindlers brothers has to be expelled from the church. (Flagrant = obviously, clearly, noticeably bad)

- this command does not mean to disassociate with ALL people in the world, but only applies to people who claim to be your BROTHERS

- there are some steps that can be taken, however, before actually expelling someone from the church (read Mat 18:15-17)

- the purpose of this command is to maintain the integrity of the church (immoral behavior are contagious, as pictured as a yeast in the illustration, and might give impression that the church approves those kind of immoral behavior if such kind of people stays in the church.)

- "judging" in chapter 5 is different than the one we discussed in Romans. Romans: Paul was referring to differences that exist in a Christian community (stronger faith vs weaker faith: unclean stuff, sacredness of certain days), for all these things we shouldn't judge one another. It's different from the things that are being discussed in Corinthians, here it's a fragrant immorality in the church. For this, we have steps to take, that might end in expulsion.

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