Sunday, November 16, 2008

Chapter 3: Were Jesus' Biographies Reliably Preserved?

2 issues:

were jesus' biographies reliably preserved?

no surviving original copies, but this is not unique to the bible.

what unique to the bible is:

1.unprecedented multiplicity of its copies (5,664 greek manuscripts, and lots of other translations)
- Tacitus' Annals of Imperial Rome ; only 2 manuscripts survived
- Josephus' Jewish Wars ; only 9 manuscripts survived
- Homer's Iliad ; 650 greek manuscripts

2. copies are agree with each other
errors did crept in, but:
- inconsequential variations (but greek is an inflected language) form
- spelling differences form
- no church doctrines are in jeopardy because of those errors

3. copies are scattered across different geographical areas

4. commenced within 100-150 years after the events (oldest copy of John written in 100-150, egypt, far from ephesus)
- Tacitus' Annals of Imperial Rome ; written in 116, oldest copy written in 850.
- Josephus' Jewish Wars ; written in 1st century, oldest copy written in 4th century.
- Homer's Iliad ; written in 800 BC, oldest copy written in 2nd/3rd century.

whether equally accurate biographies have been suppressed by the church?

a.k.a. canon, 3 criteria:
1. apostolic authority
written by the apostles or followers of the apostles
2. rule of faith
should be congruent with normative basic christian tradition
3. continuous acceptance and usage by the church at large

greater part of NT is settled using criteria above within the first 2 centuries (4 gospels fall to this category), by congregations scattered over wide area.

canon is a list of authoritative books, instead of an authoritative list of books.
NT didn't derive their authority from being selected, each was already authoritative before canon.

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Chapter 2: Do The Biographies of Jesus Stand Up to Scrutiny?

Let's get back to the 'good witness' part for a bit, let's scrutinize our gospels by couple of tests.

Test 1: The Intention Test
"Were the writers of the gospels intended to accurately preserve history?"
Take a look at Luke's preface.
Take a look at the gospels as a whole: no blatant mythologizing, no flourishing outlandishes.

Test 2: The Ability Test
"even if the writers intended #1, were they able to do so?"
the middle-east back then was pretty much an oral culture, heck, there were rabbis who could commit all OT to memory.
this wasn't 100% memorization, however. there's 10-40% variance in given passage in the gospels, but there were fixed points, which is perfectly acceptable by ancient standard.
Moreover, there was a check-and-balance mechanism in early christianity to control this variance.

Test 3: The Character Test
"truthful writers?"
10 out of the 11 remaining apostles put to grisly death for living out their faiths.

Test 4: The Consistency Test
"Any consistency in various gospel accounts?"
Keeping #2 in mind, the gospels are extremely consistent by ancient standard.
Simon Greenleaf: "enough discrepancies to show that there's no previous concert among the writers, while there's substancial agreement to show the independence of writing the same events."
Hans Stier: "agreement over basic data and divergence of details suggest credibility."

Test 5: The Bias Test

Test 6: The Cover-Up Test
While there are precedences for omitting, paraphrasing things, the gospels are not covering-up things.
There were plenty of:
1. hard-sayings of Jesus
2. embarassing materials about Jesus
3. embarassing materials about the disciples

Test 7: The Corroboration Test
Most archaelogy findings confirmed Gospels' accounts, tiny minority created new problems.

Test 8: The Adverse Witness Test
Jesus' miracles are even confirmed in later Jewish writings.
Also, Christianity took roots in Jerusalem, the very place where Jesus did his ministry, crucified, died, resurrected. Adverse witnesses abound to counter the belief of Christians, but that didnt happen.

".. evidence can never compel or coerce faith. we cannot supplant the role of the Holy Spirit .."

Thursday, November 6, 2008

The Case for Christ - Part 1 : Examining the Record

Chapter 1
Can The Biographies of Jesus Be Trusted?

Good witness:
1. "eyewitness", should be there to see the events
2. Have no bias / ulterior motives
3. The witness her/his self is truthful and fair

Throughout "The Case for Christ - Part 1 : Examining the Record" We will see whether our gospels can be categorized as good witness documents.

4 gospels:
1. Mark
Written by Mark, Peter's interpreter, in 50AD
2. Matthew
Written by Matthew, one of the twelve, in 80AD
3. Luke
Written by Luke, Apostle Paul's travelling companion, in 80AD
4. John
Written by John, one of the twelve, in 90AD

Nearly every NT scholars accept that the claimed writers and time of writings are exactly as given above.
The above gospels are written documents, if we go even deeper in search of other supporting records, there's also early church creed as recorded in 1 Corinthians that put the core faith of Christianity in 35AD... merely 5 years after Jesus' death and resurrection.

Gospels are full of theological agenda!
True, so are nearly every non biblical historical records that are accepted as trustworthy.

Are the gospels well preserved, free from outside (pagan, legend)  influence?
The gospels were written merely 5 years after the events took place, outstanding from historical perspective. Compare that with Alexander the Great written history... that is accepted as being trustworthy... that is written nearly 500 years after his death.
When the gospels are written, there are many hostile eyewitnesses that could easily debunk the gospels... but that didn't happen.

Sunday, October 5, 2008

James 5:

being rich is OK. being rich opressor is not OK.

suffering , persevere, tough, character.

issue #1 - whether swearing is allowed at all
issue #2 - above ALL, don't swear

illnesses? Are they because of sin?
some of them are, some are not.
we don't know though how to determine whether the ilnesses are because of sin, or because of natural causes, just keep an open mind there.

James 4

three wrong stuff:
1. don't ask at all from God (depending on ourselves)
2. asking the wrong things
3. asking the right thing with wrong motives

why ask when God knows what we want at the first place?
picture dad-son in mind, dad already knows what son wants. but dad will be happy to hear his son asking him stuff. it's a communication that's quite important here.
when you're giving much details in your prayers, it's also the communication stuff.

put the verse in context.
in EE, they kind of expanding the meanings in this verse, which is not exactly right...
james' context: "if you know that X is sinful, and you do it anyway, it's a sin."
now, not everything is sinful, things get complex. in those cases, just think about your conscience and do follow up on that.
one thing for sure is that we shouldn't use verse 17 as a weapon to make people feels guilty about themselves.

Sunday, August 24, 2008

James 3: Taming the tongue, Two Kinds of Wisdom

1-12 - Taming the Tongue
- what considered curses are always changing, depending on the time and culture
- curse words with a bad intention is definitely forbidden
- when there's no bad intention, cursing is still bad because it might be a stumbling block for others and should be avoided.

- no clear definition on "gossip"
- for the most part, talking about other people is considered good or bad depending on the intention
- good intentions can also produce a bad effect, so we also have to be wise about it

13-18 - Two Kinds of Wisdom

Sunday, August 10, 2008

James 2: Favoritism Forbidden & Faith and Good Deeds

- Favoritism is forbidden. This should apply to all cases.
- The reason for this is that LOVE should be applicable for all, not only for certain groups of people


- good deeds are byproduct of faith (i.e. real Christian faith). It is impossible to have faith but not do good deeds

faith --> good deeds
no faith -- ???

v24 - in Greek, the word "justified" here means only to prove justification that has been received before (when accepting Christ) to fellow humans. But the good deeds itself is never required to receive salvation nor do they affect your salvation.

James 1: Trials and Temptation

Jemaat di sekitar sedang menghadapi daily difficults.
untuk encourage, and instruct.

1-18 Trials and Temptation

Believers will face temptations and trials.

How to reacts? consider them pure joys.
Why? trials testing of your faith and develops perseverance. so that you become mature & complete.

trials: external.
tempt: bukan Tuhan, dari kita sendiri.

When we are in trials we can ask God for wisdom

19-27 Listening and Doing

- Everyone should be quick to listen, slow to speak, and slow to become angry (v.19)
- Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says. (v.22)

"When words are many, sin is not absent, but he who holds his tongue is wise" -- Proverbs 10:19

Sunday, July 20, 2008

James - Introduction

James, Jesus' brother

To teach wisdom from God that helps believers persevere in the midst of trials

AD 44 (Jerusalem council) - 62 (James' death)

Sunday, July 6, 2008


1-10: Doing Good to All

Load and burden:

2:"....each other's burden...."
5:"....his own load...."

2 ---> When someone is caught in a sin (obvious, black area). This is the person's struggle, the person's burden. This will need to be shared if needed.
5 ---> this relates to our actions, these are our own responsibility in face of God. This is our own load that must not be shared with the others.

What's the guideline?

6:1"... if someone is caught in a sin, you..."
So, when's the right time for you to help a person share the load? What's standard will you use to say that this dude is sinning right now?
Sin is pretty much obvious, and we believe this is what Paul intending here.
And don't forget the keyword "gently".
Help in a gentle way, use common sense there.

"...Not weary in doing good..."

This applies to both things discussed before: helping up ppl sharing the load and do your own actions.

Sunday, June 22, 2008


1-15: Freedom in Christ

12: 'emasculate' --> what a tough word! :)

'Freedom' what exactly this means?

Pre Christ:
People are bound by the whole set of law, lots of entries, lots of trivial entries too. So, you have to follow every single entry of it to get your salvation.

After Christ:
People are now free from this bondage. No more following the law to get your salvation (which is actually futile, btw).. Your salvation is given, by grace. Law is still there, but you are no longer bound by it in regards to your salvation.
You are *free* from this concept.

There are lots of facets of this 'freedom', just some example:
1. freedom of fear that if you dont follow the law, you'd get punished by God
2. freedom from the judgment of the law
3. freedom from the bondage of the law to get my salvation
4. etc

"....13You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature; rather, serve one another in love. 14The entire law is summed up in a single command: "Love your neighbor as yourself...."
we are now free from the law's bondage in regards to our salvation... so what's there to follow? Are we free to sin? No, we're not, see above.

16-26: Life by The Spirit

19: "...The ActS of the sinful nature.." <--- plural
22: "..But the fruit of the Spirit.." <--- singular

even non-believers have conscience! even non-believers have conflict when facing right or wrong! so what's so special of this holy spirit thing??
--> 16 "... live by the spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature..."
--> This holy spirit will help us overcome the desires of the sinful nature. Holy spirit is an entity. It will live inside of you, helping you fighting the desires of sinful nature. This is different with conscience, without holy spirit, you're fighting your desire on your own.
--> Holy spirit works both way, it's automatically resides in you and it also works by invocation.

"under the law" sounds significant, it's repeated twice here.
18 "... you are not under law.."
22 "...against such things there is no law"
--> Now you're mentioning about the fruit of the spirit. But even there's non christian who posseses all of those! How's that? Bam!
--> Another religion, goodness is legalism. You do this this this, and see you in heaven. They're bounded by the law.
Christians, good things are byproducts of being saved, this is not the things that caused us being saved. For christians, being good is not related to legalism... There is no law, you are not under law. Wo do it ...just like that... not because we simply want to adhere to the law.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Galatians 4: Sons of God

Sons of God

-- to be updated --

Paul's Concern for the Galatians

-- to be updated --

Hagar and Sarah

Parallelism between Isaac and Jesus:

1. Isaac was born out of God's promise. Ishmael was born out of human's effort.
Jesus signified the fact that salvation comes only from God. Legalism signified the fact (wrongly) that salvation comes out from your observance of the law.

2. Isaac was born out of God's promise, to make Abraham's seeds as countless as sand, the jewish people who are the descendants of Isaac.
Jesus was born out of God's promise, to make Abraham's "seeds" as countless as sand, gentiles are now part of God' people.

3. the term 'slave' is also significant.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

Galatians 3:

- you're saved by faith, not by law
- Paul made his case with Abraham as example. Abraham was called righteous because of his faith and was promised to be blessing to all nations. We are Abraham's children if we have faith, and as such we are also blessed along with Abraham

Salvation concept #1
- This book brings up topic on Abraham. Why it's significant for Paul to bring up this topic? This is significant because Abraham was counted as righteous, with no regards whether he's adhering the law, whether he's been circumsized. Abraham has faith on God and His promises (12:1-4), and we have faith on God and His promises. This will be counted to us as righteousness.

Salvation concept #2
- We will be saved according to "how far we know about salvation concept".

- The law was put in charge to lead us to Christ that we might be justified by faith
- The law was not in contradiction with the original promise, the world was overpowered by sin anyway... whether the law is there or not. The function of the law here was to magnify the fact that we need Christ for salvation.
- Now that faith (Jesus) has come, we are no longer under the supervision of the law.

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Galatians 2 - Paul accepted by Apostles, Paul Opposes Peter

- Continuation of previous chapter where Paul argues his authority to preach the gospel.

- Under pressure from the pro-circumcision (aka law) group, Peter changed his stand when it comes to proclaiming the gospel to the gentile. This causes many Jews also led astray to hypocrisy. Paul rebuked this

Verse to Remember: Galatians 2:20-21
20I have been crucified with Christ and I no longer live, but Christ lives in me. The life I live in the body, I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me. 21I do not set aside the grace of God, for if righteousness could be gained through the law, Christ died for nothing!"

Sunday, April 27, 2008

Galatians 1 - No Other Gospel, Paul Called by God

- There is no other gospel, but the gospel of 'salvation thru faith by grace is sufficient'.
- What Paul knows comes directly from God, not from other people. Paul drew similarity between his experience in knowing Christ with those of the Jerusalem apostles.

Galatians - Introduction


To refute false teaching that salvation comes by adding human merit in addition to faith in Christ

Dates and Destination:
inconclusive, but there are some theories:
- 53-57 AD, addressed to curches in north-central Asia Minor, during Paul's 2nd journey
- 48-49 AD, addressed to Roman province of Galatia, after the 1st journey before the Jerusalem council
- 51-53 AD

In any case, Paul doesn't depend on the council decision regarding the salvation teaching.

Key teachings:
- Justification before God comes from faith alone
- Sanctification in daily life comes from faith through the power of the spirit
- Legalism turns us away from Christ to futility and judgment
- Freedom from legalism is freedom to life for Christ by the spirit

Saturday, March 15, 2008

1 Corinthians 16: Exhortation, Commendation, and Greetings

- mostly personal greetings and requests from Paul
- Paul instructed the congregation to collect money to be donated to Jerusalem congregation
- At the end , Paul re-emphasize how the points that Paul made previously, that everything has to done based on love.

Saturday, March 1, 2008

1 Corinthians 15: Resurrection

- Paul rebuked the congregation for their disbelief of the resurrection of the dead (at the end of time).
- The congregation believes that Jesus is their savior, and was resurrected from the dead, but they don't seem to believe that resurrection for themselves is possible
- Paul builds his case by referring to the resurrection of Jesus:
--> if there's no resurrection, Jesus can't be resurrected, so what they believe is not valid
--> since Jesus was resurrected (proven by hard-fact appearances to the followers), then resurrection must be possible

- in resurrection, natural body will become spiritual body that's imperishable

Saturday, February 23, 2008

1 Corinthians 14 : 1-40

1-25 Gifts
- Think about (spiritual) gifts in context of division among member of church.
- Comparison between prophecy vs speaking in tounge. (ayat 4). Prophecy, in term of edifying the church is much of better use because speaking in tounge is not understandable unless interpreted.(6-12).
- Worship with BOTH mind (understanding) and spirit.

26-40 Orderly Worship
- According da MAN himself, worship MUST be conducted orderly. (33)

Let's drop the bomb now, 34-35.
here's the summary of what came out of our discussion:
1. we accept the different roles between men and women, genesis 2 is full of discussions regarding this matter.
2. these 2 different roles have to be upheld both at home and at church.
3. specific to 34-35: the 'different roles' principle manifestation in *their* particular culture and time is for women to act like in 34-35. the manifestations undoubtly will be different in different time and culture.
4. we didn't accept these verses as a base to forbid women to talk etc, this will contradict what had been said by Paul himself earlier in 11:5 and 14:26.
5. there's also another opinion that these verses should be understood in light of 29-33, that is: if your husband is prophesying at the front, then as observed by the 'different roles' principle, don't undermine him by undercutting his words.. but rather bring that home to be discussed further.

39 "... be eager to prophesy, and do not forbid speaking in tongues..." 40 "... but everything should be done in a fitting and orderly way.."

Sunday, February 10, 2008

1 Corinthians 13 - Love

prophecies will cease.
tongues, stilled.
knowledge, pass away.
But love, it never fails. Speaking in tongues, able to prophesy, they're all gift. But Love is not a gift, everyone can have it.

"Love never fails"
This should be contrasted with 13:7 "love always perseveres"... In this light, "love never fails" make much sense. At the same time, this should be contrasted with the next verses. All of others will cease to exist, but only love will remains.

Faith, hope and love. The greatest of these is love.
First, some explanation:
1. faith is the foundation, the doctrines and all.
2. hope is the attitude that you have to have once you have had the foundation.
3. love is the action of above.
Why is the greatest of these three is love? See 13:1-3.

Sunday, February 3, 2008

1 Corinthians 12 - Spiritual Gifts

- comes through the manifestation of the Holy Spirit (no Holy Spirit, no spiritual gift).
- different kind of gifts, but the same spirit, for the common good.
- Every believer have at least one gift as a result of the Holy Spirit's manifestation.

Sunday, January 20, 2008

I Corinthians 11: Propriety in Worship and The Lord's Supper

".....the subject of this section is propriety in public worship, not male - female relation in general. paul is concerned however with the proper relationship between husbands n wives be reflected in public worship. as in the previous section he desires as that all be done for the glory of God...."

"head" in greek can mean things related to 'source' concept, or the things related to 'authority' concept. as a whole this section seems to concern more with authority concept.
this is sensitive, not even biblical scholars have arrived at any conclusion on this matter.

we will postpone the discussion on male-female relationship for later when we arrive at that specific section in the bible.


19No doubt there have to be differences among you to show which of you have God's approval.

differences here relates to dissensions, herecies that existed somehow among the corinthian congregation.
"... Paul tells the readers that dissensions among them are necessity to bring out the best in true believers. God works out his own purposes to strengthen Christians in times of testing..."

Holy communion, what is our approach here?
1. firstly, you've gotta know the true meaning, take it seriously. you know the why (My body, new covenant in My blood, do this in remembrance of Me).
2. secondly, prepare yourself in observance of #1.

Sunday, January 13, 2008

I Corinthians 10: Warning from Israel's history, Idol Feast, and Believer's Freedom

"No temptation has seized you except what is common to man. And God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can stand up under it."

boleh ngga fighting the temptation bukan krn kita ga mao against God's law, tapi buat someone, buat something, other than god?
yes it's working, but it's not a right foundation. someone is someone, something is something. when they cease giving you what you want, your foundation will cease to exist too.

what's the difference between temptation and trial?
quote from :

According to the dictionary, a trial is "a test of faith, patience, or stamina by suffering or temptation." A temptation is "an enticement to do something wrong by promise of pleasure or gain." It is "the act of tempting, especially to evil." Temptation comes from evil desires inside us, not from God. It begins with an evil thought and becomes sin when we dwell on the thought and allow it to become an action. People who live for God sometimes wonder why they still have temptations. Does God tempt them? No. God tests people but he does not tempt them by trying to seduce them into sin. But God does allow Satan to tempt people in order to refine their faith and help them grow in their dependence on Christ. Don't ever confuse temptatioon with God's testing your faith as a way to strengthen it."

yg penting hati. yg penting purpose of your action should be glorifying God.

Always rely on God's strength when you are trying to get away from temptation. Asking for His help to give accountant ability group besides you.

The Believer's Freedom

For those who are invited to join or to participate in having a meal offered to the devil, you might not have those though you have a freedom to do so. By having it, you will create a stumble block for other christians that are weaker than you. Moreover, it can cause a stumbling block for the person who offers you. You wont be able to introduce the Savior and in addition, he or she might give a bad consideration for Jesus that it is not different than other religion.

Plus Paulus advices us not to join or participate with demons.

Sunday, January 6, 2008

I Corinthians 9: The rights of an apostles

- Background: some people in Corinth are questioning Paul's apostleship
- In this chapter Paul defends his rights , including for food and drink, and to be married (if he wishes to), as an apostle.
- Even though he has the right to get some "perks" from the church, he didn't use it, and instead became a "tent-maker" to support himself.
- In the end, apostles, and God's workers in general, has the right to get some privileges from the church, such as food and housing, but they might / might not take it. If they do take it, the congregation has to respect that.

- Paul also defends his methods for preaching the gospel, which is adapting to the audience's culture.

- 24-26 talks about an analogy about running. Life is a race and in a race there's only one winner, so we have to run to get the prize, which is the everlasting crown of life. This doesn't mean there's competitors in life, but intended as a motivator in the analogy.

- 27. In addition to bringing people to Christ, Paul also has to prepare himself for the "race". You have to act what you preach.

I Corinthians 8 - Food Sacrificed to Idols

- Eating food sacrificed to idols is okay. The wise knows this
- For the sake of people who do not know, you better not eat them
- Knowing is good, but love is more important (do not be a stumbling block for the weak)