Sunday, November 11, 2007

I Corinthians 7 - Marriage

7:1-7 "Proper conduct in a matrimony"

7:1, 7:7. Is celibacy the way to go for everyone?

No it isn't certainly for everyone.
Having said so will contradict God's utterance in:
1. Gen 2:18 ("It is not good for the man to be alone")
2. Gen 1:28 (procreation)
3. Gen 17:7 (God's covenant blessings from generation to generation)

In 7:7, it's rather that (from the red book, page 215):
"... When God removes a person's need for marriage, He will endow such person with the gift of continence (
self-restraint in refraining from sexual intercourse). Paul received this gift from the Lord and thus he could rejoice in his condition. But he realizes full well that not every person receives this benefaction..."
"... Finally, we may not label Paul as an ascetic who belittles marriage and glories in his celibacy (the state of being unmarried). This is not the case, for he speaks eloquently about intimate matters of sexuality and marriage..."

7:2. "...But since there is so much immorality.."

this message is written specifically to congregation in Corinth, where there are "so much immorality", so this in no way may apply as a basis of marriage.

Throughout 7:1-7, Paul speaks *about* sexual matters, not about general (boring) marriage stuff.

7:1 ("touch", NIV translated that as "marry" instead, sugarcoat :))
7:2 ("have")
7:3 ("marital duty")
7:5 ("deprive")

Specific to 7:3-4, stated that marriage without sex is not only unnatural, but also forbidden.

Iben's "General Unified Theory"

Marriage between believers

Mixed marriage

Marriage between non-believers

7:8-11 "Faithfulness and Marriage"


- if a single person can't stand unmarried ("burning with passion"), he/she should marry

7:12-16 "Believer and Unbeliever"

7:2. "...has been sanctified.."

John Calvin: "... For the Godliness of the one does more to 'sanctify' the marriage than the ungodliness of the other to make it unclean..."

The red book, page 224:
"... In other words, God's purpose to save his people is much more inclusive than our limited understanding of the process of salvation.."
"... Paul is not saying that an unbelieving husband or wife has been made morally holy through his or her Christian spouse. No, man is unable to sanctify or to save a fellow human being. What the apostle means to say is that an unbelieving spouse who lives intimately with a Christian marriage partner experiences the influence of holiness..."

7:17-24 "Digression"

7:17. "...(Literally) As the Lord assigned to each, as God has called each, so let him walk..."

this verse have more to do with being content, be a good christian in any situation that we're in, than to retain your current status.

But what is exactly your calling? In what way God may let you know your calling so you can act accordingly?
We believe that as you're getting mature as a christian, as you're walking together with God, your calling will be revealed clearer and clearer. Just remember the parable of talents, don't act passively awaiting for some kind of supernatural call and stuff.

7:20. "... Slave..."
Why the heck Paul didn't condemn slavery as sinful but instead recommending the slaves to be content?

We do not know for sure what slavery like in Paul's time. Probably slavery itself was not as bad back then as we're thinking about the term slavery using our current standard.
Also, from the red book, page 232:
"... Paul is not interested in disturbing the existing structure of society. Christ's gospel will gradually pervade society as yeast permeates a batch of dough... The eventual change in society Paul leaves to the Lord."

7:25-40 "Virgins and Marriage"

"...26Because of the present crisis, I think that it is good for you to remain as you are. 27Are you married? Do not seek a divorce. Are you unmarried? Do not look for a wife..."

Paul talks about Virgin. His opinion, judgment.

Paul's suggestion to remain as you are was due to a present "crisis". He'd like the corinthians to be free of concerns so that they may live in a right way in undivided devotion to the lord, given the situations.

Issues: What kind of crisis does Paul talk about?
- Impending persecution by Romans.
- Eschatology - Christ's return. Not likely, based on greek literal interpretation.
- Famine - Not likely (Ben), Could be (Arab).
- Pressure of living a christian life in an immoral/hostile environment. This is probably true, but it depends on the level of harshness of the said environ.
(Arab) I've found this unlikely, I could agree with "hostile environs justified Christians to delay marriage temporarily", but not with "immorality". Saying so will contradict 7:2.
(Aldo) depends on one's crisis. Based on personal judgment (due to natural disaster or losing somebody's special).

"...29What I mean, brothers, is that the time is short..."

Time is short. -- sense of urgency in serving. Paul suggests not to be bound by worldly concerns. This is true in a normal situation, still stays as true in crisis situation, thus the temporary measures that Paul talks about.

"...From now on those who have wives should live as if they had none..."

Don't take this literally of course, taken it literally will contradict all that has been said before. Rather, Paul is suggesting believers to have a broad outlook on life and focus on eternal essentials.

"32-35... free from concern... unmarried man is... a married man is... An unmarried woman or virgin is... a married woman is..."

Note that the intended audience is the unmarried folks, but at the same time the main points stand true also for all member of church.
The term 'concern' can be taken positively (the red book), or negatively (arab's bible commentary). nevertheless this point still stays true:

nowhere in this passage Paul says explicitly that one side is better than the other.
You think caring more for Godly things is better than caring for your spouse/children needs? Take a good look at 1 Tim 5:8!

"...39A woman is bound to her husband as long as he lives. But if her husband dies, she is free to marry anyone she wishes, but he must belong to the Lord..."

Vice versa for the guy. Need to upgrade Iben's "General Unified Theory" to a newer version :)

Phew.. finally concluded with this chapter ;D

Sunday, October 28, 2007

I Corinthians 6 - Lawsuits Among Believers & Sexual Immorality

- 'smaller' problems (as opposed to the ones in ch.5; such as property cases) within the congregation better be settled among themselves. This doesn't mean justice is ignored, but rather, the congregation should be able to seek justice by themselves first before including the 3rd party.
- in some situation, it's better to be wronged/cheated than to bring conflict.
- the fact that there are lawsuits within the congregation shows that there's a lack of love within the congregation it.

- The slogan of "Everything is permissible for me" was famous among the society. The origin of the slogan is not important since it might come from the Greek's philosophers. The big deal is Corinthians used this slogan as an excuse to do whatever they want. Therefore, Paul adds his response "but not everything is beneficial".

- Corinthians seperates their spiritual and physical existence. Paul advices that both is connected. Moreover, Paul mentions that our body is a temple of the Holy Spirit. It is where the holy spirit resides. By damaging your physical existence, we hinder our spiritual growth.

- Paul also mentions the price that Jesus paid is expensive. Therefore, we require to honor His sacrifice on the cross. It is not something that we can treat lightly.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

I Corinthians 5 - Expel the Immoral Brother!

- FLAGRANTLY immoral, greedy, adulators, drunkards, swindlers brothers has to be expelled from the church. (Flagrant = obviously, clearly, noticeably bad)

- this command does not mean to disassociate with ALL people in the world, but only applies to people who claim to be your BROTHERS

- there are some steps that can be taken, however, before actually expelling someone from the church (read Mat 18:15-17)

- the purpose of this command is to maintain the integrity of the church (immoral behavior are contagious, as pictured as a yeast in the illustration, and might give impression that the church approves those kind of immoral behavior if such kind of people stays in the church.)

- "judging" in chapter 5 is different than the one we discussed in Romans. Romans: Paul was referring to differences that exist in a Christian community (stronger faith vs weaker faith: unclean stuff, sacredness of certain days), for all these things we shouldn't judge one another. It's different from the things that are being discussed in Corinthians, here it's a fragrant immorality in the church. For this, we have steps to take, that might end in expulsion.

I Corinthians 4 - Apostle of Christ

- paul and apollos are just servants of god, entrusted with the secret things of god and to be stewards.
- as servants of christ, they (and we) should not judge (in the context being arrogant) each other (only christ has the right to judge). this is not against being critical / discernment in forming an opinion, but it is reverence to the misconcieved critism against paul.
- life as god's servants are hard, so don't be disrecpetcful

- father mentioned here doesn't refer to spiritual father, where each christian has one and expected to be one.

practical application:

should we criticize pastors, if yes, how, and how far can we go?
- it's okay, but do it in respectfully and mind your surrounding and with the right motivation

how to handle boring sermons:
- expect to get something when you come
- mind your surrounding (don't do anything disrespectful/distracting)
- get chewing gum (kata kucing)

Sunday, October 7, 2007

I Corinthians 3 - Divisions in the church

- the Corinthian congregation are immature, they follows the persons, not the teachings.
- the illustration about building shows that the congregation has the same foundation, which is JC, but the building material (what's taught) can make the difference when tested by fire
- in the illustration of talents (mat 25), all people has different talent (responsibilities/role), each person is expected to use their talent, but faithfulness is what counts, not the amount of work you do.
- jealously and quarreling are signs of "division" in church
- whoever destroys God's temple (in relation with division will be destroyed) -- (16,17)

Sunday, September 16, 2007

I Corinthians 2 --- Wisdom of the Holy Spirit

All the following reviews were based on the book "1 Corinthians, NT commentary" by Simon J. Kistemaker, Baker books, September 2004.

1When I came to you, brothers, I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom as I proclaimed to you the testimony about God.

  • "...I did not come with eloquence or superior wisdom..."
    Paul arrived at Corinth when he first started the church there in a downcast mood after his encounter with philosophers and their unfavorable response to his message in Athens (Acts 17:16-34). The wisdom mentioned is a worldly wisdom.

3 I came to you in weakness and fear, and with much trembling.
  • " weakness and fear, and with much trembling..."
    This is due to the reception he got in Corinth were soon turned hostile, so much so that Paul had to cease teaching in local synagogues.
    On another note, we also know that Paul was a person that had to cope with physical ailments:
    1. due to punishment and affliction by non-believers (II Cor 11:23-28, 12:7).
    2. Physically he's probably a man small in stature (II Cor 10:10) and plagued with poor eyesight (Gal 4:15, 6:11).

6 We do, however, speak a message of wisdom among the mature, but not the wisdom of this age or of the rulers of this age, who are coming to nothing.

  • "...We do.."
    'We' refers to all of those who belongs to apostolic circle, among whom are his fellow workers in the Corinthian church: Silas and Timothy.
  • "...among the mature..."
    'Mature' refers to all believers in whom the holy spirit effectively works.
  • "...the rulers of this age..."
    'Rulers' refers to earthly rulers who include all the political and intellectual leaders of the world, including Caiaphas and Pilate who crucified Jesus.

7No, we speak of God's secret wisdom, a wisdom that has been hidden and that God destined for our glory before time began.

  • "...God's secret wisdom.."
    In NT, the term wisdom and salvation are closely related. The word wisdom signifies "the wise acts of God in the salvation of man."
    This wisdom is now revealed through the person and work of Christ, through the preaching of the gospel and the work of the holy spirit (I Peter 1:10-12). Eventhough the secret wisdom of salvation is no longer hidden, it's still a concept that the human mind cannot fully grasp (Eph 3:17-19).

9However, as it is written:
"No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him"—

  • Paul apparently quotes from memory, it's taken (with certain degree of freedom) from Isaiah 64:4 (also Isa. 52:15, 65:17 and Jer 3:16).
  • "...God has prepared for those who love him..."
    Or we can say as "...God has prepared *salvation* for those who love him...", also see Rom 8:28.

10 but God has revealed it to us by his Spirit.

  • We can say that the wisdom/salvation is the work of the trinity: God originates salvation, the salvation is the person and work of Christ, and the salvation is known to believers through the holy spirit.

11 ...In the same way no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God.

  • "My thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways" Isa. 55:8.
  • Paul is not saying that the spirit of God is engaged in acquiring knowledge concerning *the thoughts of* God.

12 We have not received the spirit of the world but the Spirit who is from God, that we may understand what God has freely given us.

  • "We.." refers to both Paul and the readers of the letter.
  • "what God has freely given us..." refers to the things that we come to know regarding our salvation.

13 This is what we speak, not in words taught us by human wisdom but in words taught by the Spirit, expressing spiritual truths in spiritual words.

  • "We.." refers to both Paul and fellow preachers.

14 The man without the Spirit does not accept the things that come from the Spirit of God, for they are foolishness to him, and he cannot understand them, because they are spiritually discerned.

  • "does not accept" implies an active part played by the subject, 'does not accept', 'reject'.
15The spiritual man makes judgments about all things, but he himself is not subject to any man's judgment:

  • the spiritual man is able to appraise all things spiritually.
  • the spiritual man cannot be judged by non-believers, due to non-believers are not capable to judge anything spiritually.
16"For who has known the mind of the Lord
that he may instruct him?"But we have the mind of Christ.

  • "We.." refers to both Paul and the readers of the letter.
  • This is not saying that a christian is free from falling into errors. Only Jesus' life can be characterized as being without error. But the holy spirit, living inside believers, will lead them closer to perfection.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

I Corinthians 1 - Introduction, Divisions in chruch, and the power of God

Introduction by Paul

- There are divisions between the congregation in Corinth, some follow Paul, Apollos, and Chepas (aka Peter).
- These guys are all good (highly regarded by Paul) and nothing wrong with their teachings. We don't know exactly what causes the division (because of different philosophies, etc?)

- Corinth is a society where wisdom/ knowledge is highly regarded (read: GREEK)
- God choose the foolish/weak (by worldly standard) so the "wise"/"strong" cannot boast himself, and to encourage the foolish/weak.
- Worldly knowledge and strength is nothing to God
- Christianity is a foolish concept, irrational thing, from world's wisdom point of view. This is quite an eye opener that we shouldn't depend on our worldly wisdom too much when trying to understand the bible.

Monday, September 3, 2007

I Corinthians.....overview

- Identify problems(deviance/division/lack of love/immorality -- pride and self importance) in corinthian church
- Offer solution, correcting the error-ness practices (division, immorality, litigation/lawsuit in pagan courts, abuse lord supper), false teaching concerning the resurrection.
- Teach christian to live for christ in corrupt society. Instruct and restore
- Instruction concerning offering for poverty strickened believers in Jerusalem.

Paul. Claimed by Paul, and early church father.
Attested by Clemens.
Has NOT been questioned.

To whom written
Church in corinth.
Christian everywhere.
Request for counselling.

Date written
AD 55. End of 3rd Missionary Journey in Ephesus.

Seaport/Trade route.
Mostly gentiles.
Church established in 2nd Journey.

Key Verse

Key People
Paul, Timothy, members of Chloe's households.

Key Places/Culture/religion/commerce

Worship meeting in Corinth.

Key points

Church must be unified.
Christian must look to God not to world for their moral and wisdom
Proper Church courts and discipline ensures the peace and purity of the church
Chr liberty must be exercised in ways that protects those who are weak in faith.
Worship and the exercises of spiritual gifts must respect and honor God and fellow believers.
The reality of future bodily resurrection is integral to the gospel.

strong & straight forward

Greeting and Thx
Report from Chloe:Division, Moral ethical problem.
The Corinthians letter: Marriage/divorce, Food offered to idol, Worship, Spritual Gifts, Ressurection, Collections.

Problem loyalties , church problem, process sanctification.


Romans 15... till ends

still have the same tone as Romans 14, Paul told us to bear with the failing of the weaks (in faith) (1), we should instead please them but on the same time building them up (2).

'spirit of unity' as in (5), how to achieve that?
accepting, being humble.
- accepting : we're holding on to what we believe, but we respect what other believers' belief too (Romans 14).
- being humble : 'we're a part of God's bigger plan'. 'who are we to judge?' 'The God that we believe accepts all of us' (Romans 14 & 15).

(30) an example of ppl praying together with you.

The rest of the book of Romans dealt with historicity issues, Paul's plan to go to Rome, etc as well as Paul's personal greetings to the ppl in the church of Rome.

== Romans review is concluded, wheeeeee! ==

Sunday, August 26, 2007

Romans 14

In this passage, we see 2 groups of people in the church. Paul called one group have stronger faith than the others, the other group have weaker faith than their counterparts (2), but none of them have the right to deem themselves better than the rest, let alone judge, for only God have the rights to judge (3, 4).

here also Paul mention some things that shouldn't be the cause of dispute: unclean food, sacredness of certain days, and so on. We're agree with this as we think the most important thing of being Christians is whether we're adhering to a correct doctrines, salvation by grace to faith, sanctification process and so on and so forth. As long we're agree with the same core values, we can live with whatever different way of living that we might have.
17For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit,

Having said this, Paul also taught us not to be a stumbling block for the other folks who might not have the same way of thinking as us. For instance, if you think all food is clean, (Paul think the same way, 14) you'd still better not to eat all of those in front of other ppl who think otherwise (13), doing so will make your peers stumble (15) and this will annul whatever right thing that you do (23). But isntead whatever we do, should be aimed for mutual edification and peace (19).

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Romans 13

first thing first, let's talk about the background or historical settings when Paul said these things. The background is a persecuted church, they were being persecuted because they're somewhat trying to establish their own kingdom (of god), we could imagine that back then they're starting to think of refusing to pay tax, and other civil responsibilities. These things irked Roman government and this brought out the said persecution.

It seemed that Paul sent this letter for three purposes:
1. cooling down the rage of a persecuted church (Romans 12:17 put that even clearer).
2. changing that church's mindset a bit on the concept of kingdom of God itself (you should keep on paying taxes, dummies!)
3. telling the church that instead of focusing on your rage, your refusal to pay taxes, etc.. channel that instead on doing what Christians are supposed to do.. and the end of days is near anyway (Romans 13:8-14).

It seemed to us, that the whole Romans 13 should be put into this context, and as such we don't think it has anything to do with bad government, good government, "if our government is really evil, does this mean that we are not allowed to struggle against it no matter what?" and such things. It's just not in the current context.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Romans 12

1Therefore, I urge you, brothers, in view of God's mercy, to offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God—this is your spiritual act of worship.

>> In view of God's mercy... This has more to do with the follow up actions that you would do after God gave His mercy to you. Mercy is salvation related, mind you.
>> Sacrifice : You are sacrificing something. In the past, you are sacrificing your stock (fowl, etc). Now, you are sacrificing yourself. Life wouldnt be the same anymore, would it.

2And do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may prove what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect.

>> 'world' = it is not as simple as 'going to the cinema', 'going to the discotique" etc. But it relates to what is wrong in God's view.
Lots of Christians degrade themselves to the old way of living, thus 'creating' law on their own.
In Corinthians, you are judged on your fruits, whether in the end it is constructive or not.

13contributing to the needs of the saints, practicing hospitality.

>> saints = any believers. It's not saint nick with red clothes bringing stash of good stuff for yer kids.

16 Be of the same mind toward one another; do not be haughty in mind, but associate with the lowly Do not be wise in your own estimation.

We prefer this translation to the Indonesian one. The Indonesian version implies a collective action of Christians as a whole towards one another. NASB, KJV imply that you put one another on the same level, thus further comment on that verse.
NIV implies you to live in harmony, this conforms with the above.. You put any other else on the same level.. You'll live in harmony.

17Never pay back evil for evil to anyone Respect what is right in the sight of all men.
17Do not repay anyone evil for evil. Be careful to do what is right in the eyes of everybody.
17Recompense to no man evil for evil. Provide things honest in the sight of all men.

>> The background of the book of Romans is a persecuted church, thus they had to *be careful* and on the same time be *respectful* to the things believed by most of people.

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Romans 11

Root -- --genetic, abraham
Branches -- genetic + gentiles

Christianity = tree
tree is salvation mechanics

engraft = something foreign is engrafted to the tree

1-25 genetics
26 israel spiritual nation

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Romans 10

- Israelites are zealots for God, but their belief is not based on faith, thus they're not really saved.
did they have their chance to change? yes, see rom 10:8, 10:21.

"Their voice has gone out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world."[i] 19Again I ask: Did Israel not understand? First, Moses says,
"I will make you envious by those who are not a nation;
I will make you angry by a nation that has no understanding."[j] 20And Isaiah boldly says,
"I was found by those who did not seek me;
I revealed myself to those who did not ask for me."[k] 21But concerning Israel he says,
"All day long I have held out my hands
to a disobedient and obstinate people."[l]

- 10:4For (D)Christ is the end of the law for righteousness to (E)everyone who believes.
1. Christ exemplified a human who can 100% adhered to the law.
2. terminated the law.

- 2 path to salvation (a bit speculative):
1. you obey the law 100%, (romans 10:5) or
2. you accept christ

wanna obey the law 100%? be my guest.. and send my best regards to the original sin guy if you meet it along the road :)

Sunday, June 17, 2007

Romans 9


Discussing what is the meaning of "Israel" now.
"Israel" bukanlah Israel dalam artian keturunan orang2 Yahudi, soalnya Israel saja by definition tidak lah di-trait melalui Yakub, tapi melalui ishak (7).

Now about pre-destination and fore-knew.
This is what we're thinking right now:
1. from the beginning, God already knew what way that you will pick based on your free-will, what kind of life that you will choose to lead based on your free-will.
2. now you come into being, you choose your path, you decide everything... *the* decision is yours solely, the catch is God already know whatever you would choose ;)
even if you decide becoming a bum by not choosing anything... God already knew that you will decide to become a bum anyway.
3. in a sense, you are pre-destined to be saved, or not be saved... and this ... 'selection' if you will, is God's sovereignity. the freewill is still there (see above) though.
This is a bit confusing 'course.. But the freewill, the predestination, the fore-knew still fit nicely somewhat.

"And we know that God causes all things to work together for good to those who love God, to those who are called according to His purpose. For those whom He foreknew, He also predestined to become conformed to the image of His Son, so that He would be the firstborn among many brethren; and these whom He predestined, He also called; and these whom He called, He also justified; and these whom He justified, He also glorified." (Rom. 8:28-30, NASB)

33: stumbling stone
this is Jesus, and this passage applies to the jews who still waiting for their messiah.

Monday, May 28, 2007

Romans 8



22For in my inner being I delight in God's law; 23but I see another law at work in the members of my body, waging war against the law of my mind and making me a prisoner of the law of sin at work within my members. 24What a wretched man I am! Who will rescue me from this body of death?

1. My mind wants to do good, but in the end my mind succumbed and ended up doing the other way.
2. sinful nature.

5Those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires. 6The mind of sinful man[e] is death, but the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace; 7the sinful mind[f] is hostile to God. It does not submit to God's law, nor can it do so. 8Those controlled by the sinful nature cannot please God. 9You, however, are controlled not by the sinful nature but by the Spirit, if the Spirit of God lives in you. And if anyone does not have the Spirit of Christ, he does not belong to Christ. 10But if Christ is in you, your body is dead because of sin, yet your spirit is alive because of righteousness.

1. we now have the holy spirit as a helper to set our mind on what the spirit desires, we are not succumbed and ended up doing the other way anymore.
2. the sinful nature *is* still there but ... see number 1.

When you accept Christ, Holy Spirit will automatically reside in you. Period. It's not possible to accept Christ without receiving the Holy Spirit. You, however still have the freedom to choose to suppress or ignore it.

18 - 27

past: we were saved
present: we being save (sanctification)
future: glorification

- creation (people and nature) is "decaying" and in the state of "frustation" as an effect of sin (see genesis 3, ground is cursed etc).
- why suffering? because we're not in perfect state (see point #1) why God let it happen? we don't know, but God let it happen. for believer one of the possible reason is to build character (see romans 5 discussion)
- holy spirit is a real entity
- the work of holy spirit is both active and reactive. In this passage, the holy spirit is working proactively to convey what we cannot utter/communicate to God


works for *goods* of those *who* love Him who have been *called*.
good = doesnt have anything to do with your happiness but rather with His purpose (His purpose in your life, His purpose in blah in blah in blah..)... so many purposes ... all are leading to what? God's plan is not comprehensible right now.
who = this doesnt apply to everybody
called = God dies for everybody, so the calling is extended to everyone... the difference is that whether you love him back or not. the biblical base is yet to be found.. pending.

predestined n foreknew --> foreknew explains predestination.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Romans 7


not much of interest here, the main idea is just that we have died to the law (7:4) and we now lives in Christ not in Law.. the apostle gave a good analogy here (7:2-3), place yourself as the wife, law as the first husband, Christ as the second husband.
the key points are:
1. you have died to the law thru Christ
2. now law is no more, you live in christ only

something comes up during discussion:


+ Abraham
+ Jewish community
o Christ
. Christians
and on and on till the end of time

no law

jewish community:
some have faith, some just obeying the law but have no faith
definitely there's law of course

christ coming:
all ppl with faith are saved (salvation applies retro-actively -- Iben, 2007)
the law becomes more like a moral standard (because law by definition has to have consequences/penalty, and the consequence of the law has been taken care of).


- The law was intended to let you know what is wrong and right
- Sin fully perceived because because there's law
- Is the law sin? No.
- The law was good
- Side effect of law: human sinful nature brings us desire to sin against the law
- Law "that was intended to bring life actually brought death" (7:10)

- Law is just a law, it does not contain any provision of mercy or grace for relief.


We sin against our will, we want to abide by God's words but yet what comes out is sin all over again. This is why Law can't save us, it just points which is right and which is wrong. Human by nature will end up sin against it, we are doomed if there's only The Law without Christ.

pending questions:

1. mechanics of sinful nature, where did that come from? when did it start to exist?

Saturday, April 28, 2007

Romans 6 Freedom from sin's grasp

1-14 Dead to Sin, Alive in Christ

Why do we not sin? Thoughts:
- Experienced God's love -> Chose to die to sin as an act of loving back -> Automatically reject sin because it's against God's way (counter argument: non-believer also knows what's wrong/right, and may choose not to sin either)
- Gratefulness of salvation
- Choose to believe in God and die to sin (out of knowledge) -> because it's the right thing to do

before becoming believer:
- out of fear of the consequence (or conscience)

after becoming believer:
- love -> commitment
- why love God? because he's good -> from personal experience (not only knowledge). Consequence: try not to sin anymore

15-23 Slaves to Righteousness
The answer to previous question:

16.Don't you know that when you offer yourselves to someone to obey him as slaves, you are slaves to the one whom you obey—whether you are slaves to sin, which leads to death, or to obedience, which leads to righteousness?

- 2 choices: slaves to righteousness or to sin
- slaves always obey their master
- slave to sin -> sin -> death
- slave to
righteousness -> obey -> try not to sin (sanctification process)

why the term "slaves"? slaves have to follow the master's path. imperfect analogy because we still have free will, and allowed to choose your master. we cannot manipulate the consequence of our choice though.

now there's a time when say someone ask you, why are you not gossiping?
some ppl would say I'm not gossiping because I love him... now, the three of us... we still cant say those words easiliy like that. is it something wrong with us? or we're in fact in the right way afterall... its only we havent got that far yet.

now in that case? what is the meaning of "I love Him"?
if we havent got that far (see case above), does it mean that we *dont* love Him? or we *havent* got that far.

there's indeed certain passage in the bible, forgot where that is right now.. that says "if you love Him, you obey what he said." so it's answering what we've been asking all this time. obeying, having commitment, *is* love... or some part of love at least. so... now when we answer the question "why you are not gossiping" with "I do that because I'm committed with that".. that still means we're in love with Him nevertheless.

love is combination of feeling, and commitment.
strangely this applies both to human-human relationship and also to human-god relationship.

Saturday, April 7, 2007

Romans 5

5:1-11 Peace and Joy.

All humans suffers. They will experience death, pain and loss.

Cause of suffering:
- Nature. limited resource due to fallen nature of humans. System not perfect. case: natural disaster.
- God. punishment sin. case: tulah.
- Satan, allowed by god. case: ayub

when facing suffering:
- faith God will give best.
- hope: expect to happen, anticipation that God will give the best.
- plus request.

For a believer:
- suffering,
- perseverance, -- tahan banting.
- character - habit.
- hope.

12-21. Death through Adam, Life through Christ.

- There's sin even before Moses law.
- We don't know what makes somebody sinful. (Trespass against God's direct order? conscience? )
- Although there's no Moses law, sin was penalized by death. Since adam.
- Gift >>>>> Trespass. Because gift of love, we have power to overcome sin's power. Without it, we're under law. And we'll be breaking law.
- One man sacrifice was/is enough for all. Tekanan: quantity?

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Romans 4 - Abraham Justified by Faith

- if salvation is a result of work, then it's not a gift, but rather the worker's right
- implication: no one can work hard enough to earn salvation, so salvation has to be given ("gift / grace ")
- david: "blessed are those those transgretion are forgiven whose sin is covered"
- sin has to be punished. period.
- what does is mean to forgive then? sins erased? isn't not fair if sins are not punished?
- the sin still exist and will be punished, but the punishment/consequence are taken care of by JC.
- Was David aware of the concept of salvation, that JC will come to redeem them? Probably not, but he's aware that God is able to nullify sin (doesn't know the mechanism yet)
- IF sins are automatically forgiven when you believe, why do believers still ask for forgiveness? (The Lord's prayer, I John 1:19, James 5:16)

Confession means:
--> agreeing with God that our sin truly is sin, and we're willing to turn from it
--> ensuring that we don't conceal our sin.
--> recognizing our tendency to sin and relying on his power to overcome it

If we don't confess:
--> we're not agreeing with God that our sin truly is sin, and we're not willing to turn from it
--> we're (most likely) concealing our sin.
--> we're not recognizing our tendency to sin and not relying on his power to overcome it

confessing doesn't have any effect on your right of salvation, but it affects your relationship/fellowship with God.

- Circumcision is only a "seal" / outward-sign of Abraham's faith. God has acknowledged Abraham's faith before he was circumcised.

- What kind of faith do you need to receive salvation? Faith to what? To God. But which part and how far do you need to believe before you're qualified? Is believing God's existence enough?

There's no law in Abraham's era. When there's no law, there's no transgression, but there's still sin. Abraham was saved through righteousness that comes by his faith.

============= side note ===================
| what's the difference between "holy" and "righteous"?
| "holy" is more like a quality standard
| "righteous" is more like a justice standard

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Romans 3 -- God faithfulness

  • Is sin ok? No. And no excuse for the sin either. (context, see contradiction, why people may use argument of ch 2.1:God's kindness, patience, tolerance for sinner)
  • Jews entrusted by word of God so they have more responsibility.
  • (context vs Jews) Function of law (1) not to declare self-righteousness but to point out where we go wrong, conscience of sin.
  • Nobody has 100% compliant to the law, so no one is righteous.
  • Why do we need to be righteous? --> Not punished, Go to heaven (saved!).

There is righteousness (kebenaran). It's from God.
How? through (our) faith in JC.
  • All have sinned,
  • justified freely -- for free, declared not guilty,
  • through redemption -- consequence of sin is punishment. To bail out from punishment, there is a price to pay. JC (by sacrificing himself) paid that price for us. It 's done.
  • came by JC --By grace, it's available.
  • God shows justice -- sin to be punished, standard for salvation is to be righteous.
  • (25) How about people who lived before Christ?
(1) Kalo sin dibiarin- ga dihukum, -- ga adil.
(2) Kalo sin tapi di selamatin - ga artinya faith.
jawab: By faith to the coming of Christ, penebusan . Orang dulu ikut ditebus waktu JC mati.
how early? alfons: Eve.
Sampe 26.

-----31- Function of law (2) , stay tuned , chp 6-7.
ben thoughts:
- sin: offense to (God's) moral law. (m-w)
- sin is always punished.
- punishment for sin is death.
- nobody's sin free i.e nobody's righteous. Everybody is offender of moral law, charged guilty. Without other mechanics, everybody is punished.
- God says, JC is the subs the punishment for us. Justice is enforced.
- Faith to JC is the tix for justification.

no foundation to boast for observing the law

Romans 2

1-16 We can't judge other people since we're also sinful. "judge" in this context has a negative meaning. (i.e. judging hypocritically / self-righteously, Mat 7:11-5)

Judging has to be based on God's word and with the motive of love. Love here means that we have to give opportunity and support for the person to repent, not just to "shoot them down".

To what extend do we have to tolerate sin? (i.e. what's your attitude toward gays?)

17-29 Only Jew has access to the law (at this point), and they often boast about their knowledge of the law. Jews are criticized in this section because of their self-righteous behavior even though they're also sinful.

Romans 1

1-7 introduction by Paul as an apostle of God.

Paul's longing to visit Rome. He feels obligated to both Greeks and non-Greeks and the message of salvation belongs to everyone who believes.

Paul talked about different sinful acts and God's wrath against it.

Romans Strikes Back: A continuation of the study of the book of Romans

Where: Corinth (probably)
By Whom: Paul
To whom: congregation in rome, addressed to believers, including Jews and Gentiles
When: Paul's third missionary journey (57 AD)
Background: Paul sent this letter on his way back to Jerusalem to deliver collection from the gentile congregation for the congregation in Jerusalem. The congregation in Jerusalem was experiencing economic hardship and being persecuted. Paul has never been to Rome, and didn't know much about their problems. He longs to go to Rome, but has not been able to do so.